WINNIPEG -- The Manitoba government will be giving $5 million to help provide support for Manitoba restaurants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Premier Brian Pallister announced details during a news conference Tuesday morning, saying $5 million will be given to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce to create a program to provide financial relief for dine-in restaurants that have been impacted by the province’s Code Red restrictions. Restaurants had to close to dine-in services due to the public health orders, and moved to take out or delivery to keep operating.

“Their focused intent is to assist those restaurants that were forced to change to a different model, away from people coming to sit in their restaurant, and then having to redefine totally their model to move to delivery,” the premier said.

The rebate applies to restaurants who have set up their own delivery service or use a third-party company.

“Whether a restaurant does its own deliveries, or uses a third-party service, this comes at an added cost to those businesses,” Pallister said.

In addition to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, the Manitoba Restaurant and Foodservices Association is also involved with administering the program.

“We welcome this additional support to keep our restaurateurs’ spirits up during this holiday season,” said Shaun Jeffrey, executive director, Manitoba Restaurant and Foodservices Association, in a statement “We look forward to working with all the partners involved to get these supports to the businesses that need them the most while supporting them as they rely on this lone revenue stream to keep them viable in the future.”

More information on applications for the program will be released in the coming weeks, the premier said.