Manitobans with cancer and blood disorders in need of swift treatment for symptoms can now seek help at a new, special clinic.
The Urgent Cancer Care Clinic, located on the main floor of CancerCare Manitoba on McDermot Avenue in Winnipeg, features a team of oncology specialists, nurse practitioners and specialized nurses to help cancer patients in crisis.
“We're trying to provide an alternative solution for you, so you can get the treatment in a timely fashion by people who understand the disease you have,” said Dr. Eric Bow, an oncologist with CancerCare Manitoba.
The province said it’s already making an impact.
So far, more than 120 patients have used the clinic in its opening weeks. The clinic provides another option for patients, some of who might otherwise spend time waiting in hospital emergency rooms to see doctors specializing in cancer treatment.
The average wait time at the Urgent Cancer Care Clinic is currently 25 minutes.
“Patients have told us that they're glad they had the opportunity to deal with their problems in a timely fashion,” said Dr. Bow.
People are encouraged to call the Cancer Helpline at 204-787-8900 to get information on the most appropriate service, as the clinic may not be the best option for all cancer patients.
"This clinic and helpline offer expert and prompt help to rapidly and efficiently manage side effects of treatment or symptoms of cancer," said Dr. Dhali Dhaliwal, president and CEO of CancerCare Manitoba.
The province said the clinic currently operates Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but hours will be extended to include evenings and weekends, once service ramps up.