There's a new lead in the search for Jennifer Catcheway.

For the past two days, her family and friends searched a garbage dump on the Dakota Tipi First Nation.

But instead of digging through the landfill again Friday, searchers looked through a densly packed group of trees and bushes.

The search area is located next to a clearing where a party was held the night Jennifer went missing.

“It’s hard to detect under seven years of fallen leaves,” said mom, Bernice Catcheway.

Dakota Tipi Chief David Pashe has given the family until the end of Oct. 30 to conduct its search.

After that, he said, they'll need a search warrant if they want to continue.

"Our community is getting a black eye from all of this publicity," said Pashe. "Now everyone is saying she got murdered in Dakota Tipi. So it makes us all murderers by assumption."

The search didn't bring Jennifer home Friday, but it did uncover something; the family found a new witness to the events of that night.

That witness is now speaking to police and the Catcheways feel this development will push the investigation forward.