Gord Steeves made his pitch to attract more tourists to Winnipeg. Steeves says if elected he plans to have a Grand Forks weekend in Winnipeg.

"I want to designate a single weekend, on my first term, hopefully early, and where we are going to focus some of Winnipeg’s energy the Peace Garden State to our town for some hospitality and a little northern exposure here in the ‘Peg," he said.

It would include sports and events between schools and businesses in the two cities.

Steeves suggests the city use $50,000 to fund the American tourism.            

Steeves also talked about a mayoral debate he was not invited to. On Saturday, Indigenous Rock the Vote invited all candidates except Steeves to Thunderbird House.

Organizers decided not to invite Steeves because they say his interests aren't with indigenous people.

Steeves says he is interested in issues that affect everybody.

"I mean, if that's how they’re feeling, I suppose I respect their opinion. I don’t believe that there’s been any lack of engagement with anybody during the course of this campaign"

Steeves says any group can decide who they want and don't want to invite to a forum.