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Warm weather breaks records in Manitoba


T-shirt weather is not something Manitobans enjoy often in November.

Wednesday saw temperatures soar to above 20 degrees in parts of the province, breaking decades-old weather records in some places.

According to unofficial temperatures released by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Sprague hit a high of 21.8 C on Wednesday, breaking the previous record for the day of 18.9 C set in 1978.

Here is a breakdown of some of the other weather records broken in Manitoba on Wednesday.

Weather records set on Nov. 2, 2022

Though Winnipeg didn't break any records on Wednesday, the city still saw well above-seasonal temperatures – hitting a high of 17.8 C at the Winnipeg airport, according to ECCC hourly temperatures.

A normal high for this time of year in Winnipeg is only 3 C.

Winnipeggers were out in full force Wednesday to soak up the unusually warm temperatures. Hitting the links turned out to be a popular choice for many.

"November golfing – you never get November golf in Manitoba," said Roberta Campbell, one of the many golfers out on the course. "It is a beautiful day to spend the day outside. Everybody is having a good time."

Krista Bobinski was out at Assiniboine Park Wednesday to enjoy the weather. Bobinski said she had moved some things around in her day so she could take advantage of the sun.

"These are bonus days," Bobinski said.

Chantelle Shipley was also among those who were savouring the warmth at Assiniboine Park.

"The weather, I saw it was going to be good and decided to take the kids to the park," Shipley said. "Living in Winnipeg, take advantage of any nice day you can get."

The mercury is expected to drop Thursday, returning to more seasonal temperatures.

This warm weather comes as parts of the province remain under a snowfall warning, with 20 to 30 cm expected in some areas.

-with files from CTV's Scott Andersson and Colleen Bready Top Stories

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