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Winnipeg's mayoral race may be close, experts say


Political experts say the race to become Winnipeg’s next mayor is far from certain.

Polls indicate Glen Murray, the former mayor, is the frontrunner in the campaign. But analysts, including University of Winnipeg Associate Professor Aaron Moore, say the race may be close.

"I think it's tightened up quite a bit," Moore told CTV News on Monday.

Scott Gillingham, Kevin Klein, and Shaun Loney round out the top four according to the polls, with Gillingham in second place. Murray’s numbers did slip in the last poll. Moore believes with so many undecided, 39 per cent according to one poll, it will depend on who actually votes.

"If we take anything away from the polls it's that Glen Murray sort of hit his maximum amount and the candidates are closing in,” said Moore. “I would not want to try to predict who is going to win this election."

Early on Murray enjoyed a massive lead, which may have partially eroded following reports of allegations of sexual harassment from a previous job at the Pembina Institute, which Murray has denied.

University of Manitoba political professor Royce Koop feels the contest could be closer than many thought.

"He's got a lot of name recognition, a lot of good will, he might have burned through that good will the last few weeks because of revelations," said Koop.

Koop also says Murray’s support may be softer than the other major candidates.

"I'm not sure who has momentum,” said Koop. “I know that Glen Murray does not have momentum. He's fighting to protect his lead, that's not momentum, that's kind of rear guard action."

Robert-Falcon Ouellette, Jenny Motkaluk, Rana Bokhari, Rick Shone, Don Woodstook, Chris Clacio and Idris Adelakun are the other candidates for mayor. Top Stories

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