Steve Montgomery teaches grades five to eight, but his work with students begins well before the bell rings.
Montgomery is a teacher at Marymound School and one of 18 staff members who volunteer to drive kids there Monday to Friday.
His first stop of the day is at Ashtyn Taylor’s house.
Taylor has been getting rides to school with Montgomery since the start of the school year. On the ride to pick up the next student, the two talked about music, sports and what they got up to over the weekend.
Ben Einarson is their second and final stop before making their way to school. He’s been going to Marymound for two years.
Marymound School offers specialized programming for children with behavioural or learning challenges.
In order to attend Marymound, students must be referred by their school division.
In 2007, principal Mark Miles realized the cost to have kids bussed there was very high, so at that time he made an arrangement with Seven Oaks School Division.
“Since then, it’s morphed into us driving all of our children every day, so it’s quite an experience for all of us,” said Miles.
Approximately 35 students get driven to and from school by staff each day. Teachers pick up students from as far as La Broquerie, Oakbank, and Stony Mountain.
Teachers are matched up with students based on where they live, and are paired with different students each year.
“It’s actually pretty interesting because you develop a connection, and that’s the most important part of the relationship,” said Montgomery.
The rides started as a means of transportation, but Miles said it has grown into so much more, calling it ‘backseat psychology.’
“The kids will talk a lot more about their lives, and what’s going on over the weekend, and at nighttime in the casual environment, like the backseat of a car with staff who they’re very comfortable with,” Miles said.
He said the parents are really appreciative of what they do, and staff is in frequent contact with them.
“We are up to date with where the family is at, up to date with how the kids are doing, and I think this makes a much better start for the school day,” said Miles.
Before coming to Marymound, Einarson’s mom drove him to school. Now, he’s made new friends through his daily journey, and enjoys his trips with Montgomery.
“It’s fun and awesome. He’s a cool guy,” said Einarson.
It’s a fun experience for staff, too.
“Usually tease a lot, and just joke around, and talk,” said Montgomery.
Since the initiative began more than 10 years ago, Miles estimates they’ve given 35,000 rides.