It’s been another tough year for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, and one fan had enough.

Season ticket holder Trevor Dowd can’t make the Bombers game on Saturday.

He said last time he offered his tickets to friends, they told him he couldn’t pay them to take the seats.

Dowd decided to reach out online for Saturday’s game.

“I thought, well I’ll post them on Kijiji. Wasn’t even going to try to ask for any money so I thought, well I’ll see if I can pay someone to take the tickets,” said Dowd.

He posted a tongue-in-cheek ad on Tuesday night that said “I'm willing to give you 2 FREE tickets and $5.00. I still feel as though I'm completely ripping you off with this offer!!”

In the ad, Dowd details issues with the Bomber’s performance, the coaching staff and the stadium.

It’s racked up thousands of views and responses.

“Lots of people wanted the five dollars, most people didn’t want the tickets,” Dowd said.

A representative from the Bombers said the organization has seen the ad. She said that the Bombers take fan complaints very seriously, and someone called Dowd personally to hear his concerns.

“Their main concern was the mouldy hotdog, I think,” said Dowd.

The ad’s photo was of a mouldy hotdog Dowd purchased at a Bombers game, right after the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

“She said that it was FIFA’s hot dog bun and not the Bombers hot dog bun, and then distanced themselves from the Ovations caterers,” said Dowd.

He did find a person willing to take the full offer.

Roger Smith is a Bombers fan and wants to take his nine-year-old son to his first game.

Dowd handed over the tickets, cash and a slinky.

He said the seats are next to the aisle, and the slinky guarantees three hours of entertainment at the game.

All things aside, Dowd said he’s not abandoning the team and chose to renew his season tickets.