With downpours drenching many areas, some spots in southern Manitoba saw overland flooding Friday.

Water flowed over some roads in Morden.

The heavy rains brought standing water right to Margo Friesen’s doorstep.

“My sister-in-law was teasing us,” she said, “Now that we have waterfront property if our taxes would go up.”

The province issued a new flood bulletin May 31, saying flood watches and warnings continue for parts of southern Manitoba.

It put a damper on the weekend for many would-be campers.

“We camped the night, and when we got here there was water everywhere,” said Cole Nickel, “In the tents, sleeping bags, everywhere.”

By Saturday, flood waters had begun to recede in many parts of Morden.

Information on flood warnings, flood watches and high water advisories can be located on the province’s site at www.manitoba.ca/flooding, on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MBGov or at 1-866-626-4862 (toll-free).