Alyx Delaloye is in the middle of the fight of her life but last night she may of had the thrill of her life with her family by her side at Tuesday night’s Jets game.

Alyx was diagnosed with leukemia in July and she and her family have been driving 2.5 hours between Neepawa and Winnipeg for almost weekly rounds of chemotherapy treatments - a long and exhausting process.

Alyx and her family got a break from that when they won tickets for Tuesday night’s game from the Winnipeg Jets.

They also got an appearance on the video score clock. Alyx and her sign “Chemo by day…Jets by night" brought 15,000 fans to their feet to cheer her on.

Her mom Jody said Alyx will be undergoing chemo until October 2016. Jody has been off work due to her daughter’s illness.

This coming Friday, 103 Virgin Radio will be holding a fundraiser from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The station will take song requests for $103, with all funds going to Alyx and her family.