WINNIPEG -- The City of Winnipeg is taking further steps to improve safety in downtown Winnipeg.
On Tuesday, the city’s Executive Policy Committee approved a report for the second part of a multi-year plan aimed at improving safety.
Phase two of the multi-year Downtown Public Safety Strategy includes funding for a Community Connection Space at the Millennium Library.
The space will be built in the former Human Bean coffee shop.
READ MORE: Closed down coffee shop in Millennium Library may be used as a space for people in need
"The downtown safety strategy, elicit drug strategy, community safety crime prevention - these are things that didn't exist a few years ago," said Mayor Brian Bowman. “There's multiple lines of attack that we're focused on to combat the real public safety needs of our community."
The report also included a bump to the city's exterior lighting program.
The new plan will see the city pay up to 90 per cent of the costs for businesses to install exterior lighting - up from 50 per cent in the past.
It includes official approval and funding for the Downtown Safety Partnership - a two-year pilot program between the City, Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and True North Sports and Entertainment.
READ MORE: New pilot project aims to improve safety in Winnipeg’s downtown
Mayor Bowman said every aspect of this plan will help make downtown safer.
“I think there's a number of things that can happen,” said Bowman. “You know we have to walk and chew gum, and do a whole bunch of other things. There isn't one specific item in that report, or in any of the actions that we're taking right now that will single handily address the safety needs of our community.”
The report will now go to council for official approval.