Residents in the community of Alexander, MB have opened up their doors to 80 people stranded by the province’s winter storm.

According to David Matthews with the RM of Whitehead fire department, most of the stranded travellers are staying in a school gymnasium in Alexander, a community 26 kilometers west of Brandon.

“They are all being catered for, with lots of food,” Matthews said.

“Some are sleeping in the school gym on air beds, mattresses and cots supplied by the community. A few others are staying in people’s houses.”

Matthews said the local fire department and volunteers spent most the day transporting those stuck along Highway 1 between Alexander and Kemnay to the Alexander School with Skidoos.

“The highway was the worst I’ve seen it, it was a whiteout and the winds were so strong it would blow us along the ice,” Matthews said.

He explained at the same time texts and phone calls were made to everyone in the community to begin preparing food.

“Everyone cooked chili, stew, pizza, bread and muffins,” Matthews said.

“It was a very good atmosphere it was very cheerful.”

Mathews said the community is also preparing a pancake breakfast for the travelers on Wednesday morning.