WINNIPEG -- Thursday night marks the first evening of Hanukkah.

Hanukkah celebrated two miracles, the rededication of the second temple of Jerusalem after a Jewish revolt against the Greek army, and the oil of the menorah lasting for eight nights, although there was only enough for one.

Jews celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a candle on the menorah every day for eight nights.

“We should always remember what the menorah symbolizes, that fact that we start with one light, but we end with eight. This is a reminder that we have the obligation to bring a little more light every day of our lives,” said Aníbal Mass, Rabbi at Congregation Shaarey Zedek Synagogue.

He said his synagogue used Zoom to celebrate Passover earlier in the year, and although COVID has made Hanukkah different, Jews will still be able to celebrate together.

“I will be connected with Zoom with my family in Argentina, so we are going to do a candle lighting together.

“Many people are going to be doing the same thing, they’re going to be using technology to get together with other people.”

Mass said there was some confusion about whether or not menorah candles were considered essential items, but that’s been cleared up and everyone has what they need.

This Sunday, the Congregation Shaarey Zedek Synagogue is hosting an online Hanukkah celebration with virtual entertainment for kids and adults.