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Mild winter weather poses new challenges for Winnipeg's Hypothermic Half Marathon

Runners taking part in the Hypothermic Half Marathon on Feb. 25, 2024. (Source: Alexandra Holyk/CTV News) Runners taking part in the Hypothermic Half Marathon on Feb. 25, 2024. (Source: Alexandra Holyk/CTV News)

Hundreds of runners got outside this weekend for the annual Hypothermic Half Marathon; however, the unseasonably warm temperatures in Winnipeg made for some unusual weather conditions and new challenges.

According to Running Room Manitoba’s Chris Walton, the sunny skies and mild temperatures did not provide hypothermic conditions, but rather made for some slight discomfort as runners had to deal with some mud and ice.

“Historically, this has been a very uncomfortable race and sort of a bragging right for the running community,” said Walton, who is the area manager and event coordinator.

“It’s a small, tight-knit community and very enthusiastic about this challenge.”

For the past four years, Running Room has worked with Festival du Voyageur to put on the event, which is held in cities across the country.

This year, 400 runners signed up for the half marathon in Manitoba.

“We melded these two amazing winter events into such a fun event…everyone’s just really enjoying the day here, it’s awesome,” Walton said.

Walton said he’s looking forward to next year and hopes to host even more people.

- With files from CTV’s Alexandra Holyk. Top Stories

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