WINNIPEG -- The Manitoba government says mosquitoes infected with the West Nile virus have been found in Manitoba.

The province made the announcement Friday morning, saying two infected mosquito pools were discovered in Brandon and Winnipeg.

The mosquitoes are the first with the virus discovered in the province this year. In 2019, there were no mosquitoes discovered carrying West Nile in the province.

To date, there are no reports of infection in humans in Manitoba. The province said the risk of contracting West Nile virus is low, and there are currently no plans for an adult mosquito fogging program.

The province gave some tips to protect yourself from the virus:

  • reducing the amount of time spent outdoors during peak mosquito hours between dusk and dawn;
  • using appropriate mosquito repellent;
  • wearing light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and pant legs, and
  • maintaining door and window screens so they fit tightly and are free of holes.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the West Nile Virus is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito.

While there are no vaccinations or medications to prevent or treat the virus, most people infected with it do not feel sick.

CDC said only about 1 in 150 people infected develop serious, and sometimes fatal illnesses.