A report of coyotes in Kilcona Park has dog owners on edge in Northern Winnipeg.

The Kilcona Park Dog Club received a report Saturday night, from a man who claims he came face-to-face with at least four coyotes.

President of the club, Donna Henry, said it happened around midnight, near the hub of the park, overlooking Lagimodiere Blvd.

"He saw another animal, and then he saw another one, and another one, and then he started to realize these weren't dogs," said Henry.

The man was able to scare off the coyotes by yelling at them. He and his two dogs got away unharmed, but dog owners at the park are concerned.

"A pack of coyotes here wouldn't be a good thing. I would think they would hunt the dogs, and people would be very fearful," said Wendy Nerman, a dog owner.

It’s now up to the government to solve the problem. Henry says the Kilcona Park Dog Club doesn’t want the coyotes to be killed.

"There's always the option of relocating them, but destroying a family like that, we think that would be a real shame," said Henry.

Dog owners want something to be done soon, to gain some peace of mind.

“I would definitely hope that we can make something happen, because it is the safety of our children, ourselves, and the dogs,” said another dog owner, Jill Magis.

Manitoba conservation said coyotes are widespread across the province. If you see one, you’re supposed to let them know you’re human by waving your hands, and yelling.