The province hopes to raise about $600,000 from fee increases in a number of departments and an additional $4.2 million from fee increases in special operating agencies.

The province has not yet released what these revenue increases will translate to for individual fees, but it did release the revenue they expected to raise from the increases.

The province expects to raise this additional revenue from the following fee increases in various departments:

  • $203,000 from increasing the cost of child abuse registry checks
  • $200,000 from mineral royalties and "other fees"
  • $150,000 from cost recovery fees collected by the Department of Local Government
  • $41,000 from Conservation and Water Stewardship environmental fees for file searches on property sales and petroleum storage fees
  • $15,000 from surcharges paid to victims' services

Special operating agencies will collect about $4.21 million in additional revenue for the province with fee hikes for the following services:

  • $150,000 from gas and oil burning equipment permits
  • $305,000 from trades licensing, including licenses for electricians, gas and oil fitters and power engineers
  • $3.5 million from land title instruments and certified copies
  • $400,000 from official copies of birth, marriage and death certificates