A woman near the Niakwa golf course and Seine River captured photos of coyotes in her back yard.

Natalija Zmavc spotted two coyotes and snapped pictures on Sunday.

“And then they wandered down to the Seine River and they were joined by two others, so we had four coyotes prancing up and down the Seine River,” said Zmavc.

A few weeks ago, she also captured photos of coyotes feeding on a deer carcass.

That concerns St. Vital resident Rene Allard, who believes the deer are attracting coyotes to woods near his home. He worries a child or small dog could be attacked by the coyotes. 

"It being a wild animal, I am concerned," said Allard.

Coyotes have been known to hunt and kill dogs and cats. In 2009, a coyote killed a 19-year-old woman in Cape Breton. Manitoba Conservation said a cornered animal may attack. Still, it said the risk to people is low.

"More often than not, the coyote's seen you before you've seen it and it's gone," said Dean Berezanski from Manitoba Conservation.

If you spot a coyote and it doesn't scurry off, Conservation officials said to make loud noises and wave your arms to scare it away.

Conservation said the extreme cold may be making it more difficult for coyotes to find food, leading to more reports of the animals within city limits recently.