The line-up to reserve seats at RAW:almond’s outdoor pop-up restaurant on the river stretched around the block Sunday morning.

In a tent at the frozen junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, RAW:almond brings together some of the Winnipeg’s best chefs to create one-of-a-kind meals for three weeks during the dead of winter.

At Deer + Almond on Sunday, hundreds of people waited in line along Princess Street and around onto Bannatyne Avenue buy their tickets.

From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, tickets could only be purchased in-person. On Monday, they will become available online. Tickets cost $156, including tax.

Opening night is Jan. 21 and it runs until Feb. 14.

Entering its fourth year, the event has become a major draw for Winnipeg residents and tourists alike. In 2015, it received the Canada Innovator of the Year Award from the Tourism Industry Association of Canada.