The message is everywhere, recycle everything you can.

Some Winnipeggers are finding recycling to be easier said than done, especially when they're on Broadway Street.  

On one side of the street, the recycling options are few and far between, which has left some people to dump cans and bottles in the garbage.  

The owner of Oh Doughnuts on Broadway tweeted to the city, asking to add more recycling bins on Broadway. But, she was told that the money just wasn't in the operating budget.

Despite the lack of funds, all may not be lost. Recycle Everywhere said that it would make sense to put recycling bins on Broadway as part of the organization's recycling efforts. However, it can't add the bins on its own.

The organization must get permission from the city to put in bins first.

In a statement to CTV News, a spokesperson said "if an organization wanted to put forward a proposal for the installation, pick up, and maintenance of additional recycling bins on Broadway, the city would be open to looking at it."