Manitoba is a world leader in the field of lung disease research.

Doctors in the province have been at the forefront of Asthma, Tuberculosis and smoking studies.

Now, researchers are taking on Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, or CDH, a potentially deadly illness affecting thousands of children.

Babies with the illness are born with a hole in their diaphragm, which causes compressed lungs making breathing difficult.

"We didn't know if we would leave the hospital after she was born and have a baby to come home to," said Holly Hamm, whose daughter Kara lives with the condition.

Dr. Richard Keijzer was able to correct Kara's problem surgically.

Now, he's researching a way to fix this birth defect before the babies are even born.

"At this stage, we're trying it in the laboratory," said Keijzer. “Eventually we hope to develop the therapy into a more clinically applicable therapy."

Keijzer said he's able to do this world-leading research thanks to a grant from the Manitoba Lung Association.

"Investment in research now pays dividends many years later," said Dr. Andrew Halayko with the MLA.

For more information on the research being done in the province, visit Manitoba Lung Association online.