Berry picking season has arrived early in Manitoba

Not only are the strawberries and Saskatoon berries ready to eat earlier this year in the province, but farmers say they are bumper crops.

Purple Berry Orchard farmer Brent Wolfe says a bumper crop of Saskatoon berries ripened a week early and will be ready to pick in next few days.

"We've seen a lot of growth and seen a lot of berries coming this year,” he said. “You're going to roll them in your fingers, because there's going to be greens and reds in with the purples they don't ripen all together.

Wolfe said an early spring and plenty of rain helped create stellar growing conditions.

Farmer Murray Boonstra says favourable weather helped his strawberries sprout some of the best berries he's ever seen.

“Unbelievable. Living the dream. That's what we call it,” Boonstra said.

Saturday dozens of families were in the fields filling baskets of strawberries in the warm sun, soaking in family time and the taste of summer.

"This is our first time and the experience is so nice and it's so sweet,” said strawberry picker, Thelma Kristobal.

Environment Canada said the growing season has seen above average rainfall and warmer temperatures.

Areas surrounding Winnipeg received between 140 and 200 millimeters of rain in May and June. Average rainfall is between 110 and 150 millimeters.

"If berries like warm and wet than it's perfect for them," said agency meteorologist Dan Fulton.

2-year old Leo Brook picked strawberries for the first time Saturday, but spent a good portion of the time eating.

"I think we are going have to buy one empty one and full one because he's eaten almost a full," said his father, Jason Brook.

Boonstra Farms said people have two more weeks to pick strawberries.

Purple Berry Orchard said their "U pick" will open Wednesday.