CTV News got a sneak peek on Wednesday at the new bus driver safety shields being installed on Winnipeg buses to help keep drivers safe.

Regular Winnipeg bus rider Cathy Cook says she's seen how some unruly passengers act towards drivers.

"They're rude, indignant, they tend to get a little bossy, pushy so bus drivers just have to let them on,” said Cook.

Drivers have been assaulted, including getting punched, kicked and spit on.

Now, following the 2017 killing of bus driver Irvine Jubal Fraser, safety shields are being placed on board and CTV News got an exclusive first look.

"We've been fighting for it for years and it’s about time and yes we're very excited about it we want to get them going as soon as possible," Said Amalgamated Transit Union president Aleem Chaudhary

The city began installation this week. The shields cover the driver’s area and have a handle allowing drivers to slide a section of the protective glass open and shut. The plan will see them installed at a rate of 15 per week until all 630 buses are equipped.

"Really looking forward to seeing that physical barrier between certain members of the public and the drivers,” said public works chair Matt Allard.

The initial timeline to place the shields on board was anywhere between 18 months to five years. City Council pushed that up to one year.

"My understanding is that we're on track for the one year and that's going to be installed on all 630 of our buses,” said Allard

The budget for this is $3 million. Many riders CTV news spoke with say the protective devices are needed, though not everyone was in agreement.

The transit union believes they will cut down attacks.

"A lot of the assaults that we do see, it's the last second of people walking off the bus and hopefully this will deter, I mean bring it down a bit," said Chaudhary.

Cook says the shields are a sign of the times.

“Especially after what we've been seeing in Winnipeg these days, not even with bus drivers just random people and attacks so I think definitely something they could use,” she said.

The city is scheduled to hold a news conference Thursday morning to officially unveil the shields.