WINNIPEG -- It can be a tough time for many as the holidays have been pushed off track due to COVID-19, but one Manitoba teen is spreading some Christmas cheer through the sound of music.

Zenon Horobec, 15, is from Vita, Man., and is a fiddle player.

Usually, around this time of year, he would be playing with his group Ukie Fusion at seniors’ homes and other events, bringing smiles to people's faces.

But this year, that hasn't been able to happen. However, it hasn't stopped him from breaking out the fiddle and playing for people.

"This year, Christmas is very different because we can't gather due to COVID-19 and it is not safe. So we decided to do it a different way by doing a doorstep serenade and a cookie drop off," said Zenon.

Zenon has been going out, dressed in a Santa hat and wearing a mask, along with his mom Gail to people's houses. From a safe distance, he has been playing Christmas songs on his fiddle.

"We have had comments saying, 'this is the best Christmas ever'. Basically, an attitude of gratitude," said Gail.

Source: Gail Horobec

She added they have brought a variety of cookies for people and for the Ukrainian houses that they visit, they drop off Kolach and perogies.

Zenon and Gail have been making their rounds, not only in Vita, but they have also made stops in Winnipeg and Steinbach, and they plan on continuing to share the treats and music, but Gail said they need the weather to cooperate first.

"The weather has gotten a little bit too cold for the fiddle, because the fiddle does not like freezing cold temperatures or Zenon's fingers. We don't want him to get frost bite either," she said.

Gail hopes it will warm up by Christmas so they can get out again.

She said Zenon has had a lot of success in previous years playing his music and they both felt it was important to pay it forward to so many people who aren't able to leave their houses this year.


Zenon said he wanted to learn to play the violin after he went with his Grade 4 class to see the orchestra.

"I loved the sound of the violin and I would say, 'Mom I want to play the violin,'" he said.

Gail said she is extremely proud of her son and it's great to see the joy he brings to people when he plays.

Both Gail and Zenon said this is something they would like to do again next year and hope to make it bigger and better.

Gail also offered a challenge to other musicians in the province to get out and share their abilities with others to make the holidays a little more cheerful.

Source: Gail Horobec