The union president for Greyhound bus drivers in Western Canada is telling its members to restrict carry-on bags after last month's gruesome beheading.

Jim Higgs of the Amalgamated Transit Union says he has issued a directive instructing drivers to put all luggage except for medical items, baby supplies and purses in the hold beneath the bus.

The memo follows an attack aboard a Greyhound bus in Manitoba where a young man was stabbed and beheaded by a fellow passenger.

Higgs, who represents about 500 drivers in Western Canada, says the company's policies already give drivers the right to decide what's allowed on board as well as the right to search luggage.

While Higgs says his directive has received support from Greyhound, the company says it has not implemented any new policies.

A Greyhound spokeswoman says that since Sept. 11, 2001, drivers have had the right to request that carry-on luggage be stored under the bus on a case-by-case basis.