It's been a week of wild weather across the country and it means we're in for a white Christmas, but it's a Christmas that will see many loved one separated.

Holly Klaassen's family has been very excited about the idea of Grandma and Grandpa arriving for the holidays.

"They've been counting down the sleeps until everybody gets here," says Klaassen.

Unfortunately they'll need to keep counting, because Grandma and Grandpa are stuck 2300 kms away in Vancouver.

Air Canada has cancelled most flights in and out of the western city. That's where the Klaassen's are waiting for their flight to Winnipeg.

"They're pretty self-sufficient, but it's not something you want to see your parents go through by themselves at Christmas," said Damara Klaassen.

Damara's mom and dad drove from Abbotsford to Vancouver Wednesday morning just to find out they weren't going anywhere but to a hotel.

"I must say I'm a little bit disappointed of course, but all of us are safe and sound and that's the main thing and we'll get there and when we get there. We'll celebrate Christmas together," said Lucille Klaassen from Vancouver.

They called to let the family in Winnipeg know they'll be okay.

"We'll just relax here. The room is comfortable and we have our laptop with us and books to read and we'll be alright," said Doyle Klaassen by phone.

Air Canada says delayed and cancelled flights are the order of the day and could be a problem again on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, as long as the weather is a problem so will flying in and out of Vancouver be.

For now, the children wait patiently for their Oma and Opa to arrive, still hoping to share Christmas together.

With a report from CTV's Shaneen Robinson