About 100 soldiers were helping put up sandbags around dozens of homes in the RM of St. Francois Xavier on Monday.
Not all of the homes are at risk, but precautions are still being undertaken to protect 70 houses from the crest of the Assiniboine River.
The reeve for the RM said the community is hoping to have 70,000 sandbags in place around the homes.
People wanting to help can contact the RM of Cartier at 204-353-4005, by email at cartierflood2014@shaw.ca or through the RM's emergency operations centre line at 204-864-2874.
The province said the crest is expected to reach the Portage Diversion by July 9 between 9 a.m. and noon.
Emergency Measures Minister Steve Ashton says the military has been part of an "incredible effort" to protect about 350 homes that could be threatened by flooding.
Some 150 of those homes could be flooded if the province decides to deliberately breach a dike at the Hoop and Holler Bend.
Ashton says that is a last resort but would be preferable to an uncontrolled breach which could cause millions of dollars in damage.
As of Monday morning, 725 people had been forced out of their homes in Manitoba because of flooding, with 55 RMs and communities having declared local states of emergency.
People wanting to make donations to support families impacted by the flood disaster can do so through the Canadian Red Cross.
- with a report from Rahim Ladhani and files from The Canadian Press