There is a new sign welcoming visitors to Winnipeg.

The first of ten new signs was unveiled at the city's west entrance on Hwy #1 Friday morning.

The sign reads: Welcome to Winnipeg Heart of the Continent.

The text is written in white on top of a night-time scene of the Esplanade Riel, accented with a burst of fireworks.

The old signs were blue and gold and read "Welcome to Winnipeg One Great City!"

Those signs were installed in 1990, and had become an item of debate for many Winnipeggers who wanted an updated greeting.

The new signs came after Destination Winnipeg launched a campaign asking Winnipeggers to vote on a new slogan.

Officials chose Heart of the Continent out of the top four slogans:

  1. Heart of the Country
  2. City of Opportunity
  3. Centre of it All
  4. Heart of the Continent

The nine remaining signs, as well as seven other city banners, will be installed early next week.

The city says the completed project will cost $38,000.