Flour - 4.5 cups

Sugar - 4 tbsp

Salt - 2 tbsp

Eggs, beaten - 2 each

Water - 1/2 cup

Cream- 1/2 cup

Olive Oil- 1/2

Mix all of the dry ingredients together. Set aside.

 Beat the eggs, and then add all of the wet ingredients to the eggs.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and form into dough. Knead the dough until it is silky. Rest the dough for 20 minutes.

Roll the dough very flat using a pasta machine or a roller. Cut into desired shapes and bake from 8-10 minutes at 350F or until crisp. Cool and reserve for service.

For a shiny finish, brush the dough with beaten egg before baking. Also a sprinkle of salt or herbs never hurt.