Water levels on the Red River continue to go down, but the Assiniboine River is still concerning some residents.

Len Kolochuck lives in the R.M. of St. Francois Xavier. He's been watching the water on his property rise steadily.

The water rose about three inches overnight.

"Cross our fingers that we don’t get any more rain as well, ‘cause the river is about eight to 10 inches away from the top of my property and once that happens, it’s fend for yourself. We’ve got start sandbagging the house," said Kolochuck.

The province said the Portage Diversion was adjusted yesterday from 13,000 cubic feet per second to 15,000 cfs.

Water levels between Portage la Prairie and Baie St. Paul are near crest.

Levels downstream from Portage la Prairie to Headingley will keep rising over the next 24 hours.

The province said there's also a risk to shoreline ice pileups on major lakes today.

Preparations for high water continue around Opaskwayak Cree Nation, The Pas and the R.M. of Kelsey.