The province has announced it’s spending nearly $10 million on provincial parks, an investment that includes bringing gender-neutral washrooms to the campground in Grand Beach.

The washrooms are now operational, and the province says they are the first gender-neutral washrooms in Manitoba provincial parks.

Manitoba Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires made the announcement Friday before touring the newly-renovated facilities.

“We want everyone to feel welcome in our parks and this is just a small way we can ensure we have inclusivity and respect for diversity,” Squires said.

Rainbow Resource Centre participant support coordinator and advocate Joseph Moore called it a positive first step, but stressed many changes need to happen to make Manitoba more inclusive.

“It’s kind of scratching the surface, but it’s definitely a signal for safety for a lot of folks,” said Moore.

“And also a place where you belong. You don’t have to choose between one of two categories. There is a space designated for you and also other individuals that may need that space. ”

Squires said the investment also includes new campground offices in Asessippi and Spruce Woods provincial parks.

In the Winnipeg Beach provincial park, the province is having pedestrian scale lighting installed along the seawall promenade.