Grief counsellors have been brought in to help a construction crew after their co-worker Brittany Murray, 21, was fatally hit by a car in a construction zone.

Murray was part of a crew working to widen Highway 207.

She was believed to have been holding a "slow" sign at the site when she was hit by a passing vehicle.

"I saw the aftermath of them picking her up out of the ditch," said Del Ducharme, who worked with Murray. " (The driver) had to be doing way more than 60 kilometres…knocked her right out of her boots."

Murray was rushed to hospital but died from injuries, said RCMP.

Officers and emergency crews were called to the collision around 4 p.m. Monday on Highway 207, between the Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 15.

A Chrysler Intrepid was headed north on Highway 207 when it struck Murray, said RCMP. The Intrepid was being driven by a 67-year-old man.

Managers at the construction company Murray worked for, Mulder Construction, said everyone is just trying to cope now. Many people are traumatized and the counsellors were brought in to work with them.

Murray's friend, Sherwin Jacques, said she was always a positive person.

"She always had a glow. If you didn't know her, she could be having the worst day of her life and you'd never know," said Jacques.

Those who were close to Murray are now dealing with a loss, which some feel could have been prevented.

"You need to slow down when you go through these construction sites these are people's lives on the line. Somebody's daughter, somebody's friend," said Jacques.

So far, RCMP have not laid charges against the driver of the Intrepid and continue to investigate.

The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba is among a group of organizations that have been operating the SAFE Roads campaign for a number of years, reminding drivers to slow down near construction zones to prevent collisions.

"The thing about this is that it doesn't happen very often but when it does, the results are catastrophic," said Warren Preece, a spokesperson with the WCB.

The last time workers were killed by a vehicle while on the job was in 2007, when two men were installing underground internet cable and were hit by a car on St Mary's Road.

Raymond Kereluk and Bernie Vachon died from the collision.

- with a report from CTV's Stacey Ashley