WINNIPEG -- The new report card from ParticipACTION that looks at physical activity among children and youth shows they are not getting enough exercise.

The report card gave Canadian kids a D+.

Stephanie Jeffrey, who is the executive director of the Manitoba Fitness Council said it is disappointing to see these results. She says it is noticeable though, based on the amount of screen time for kids.

"A very large number, 38 per cent of all kids aged five to 17 are meeting the screen time guidelines, which is two hours per day," said Jeffrey.

She questions if other family members are also being on their screens the same amount, noting kids will do what their parents do.

She said instead, parents should be getting active with their kids to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Jeffrey added it's about making time to do this, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I know during this time we have had a lot going on at home. People would usually have a break to send their kids to sports activities or to school where they are getting gym opportunities. During this time all of that has been erased from our communities."

She added that parents should be taking their kids outside as it is not only good for the kids but for the parents as well.

"It's a break for their mental health and things like that and it's also a break for parent's mental health and kind of let the kids roam a little freer."

Jeffrey said if parents are struggling to get their kids outside they should find goal-oriented activities like geocaching or even playing a game like Pokémon GO.

"I used to think Pokémon GO was terrible, but it can also be a great option because you have to go to different places. Walk, move, bike."

Jeffrey thinks there could be a similar grade in the next report card if COVID-19 restrictions continue but believes there will be a bigger divide between the parents who do focus on physical activity and those who don't.