LOS ANGELES - The number of U-S homes facing foreclosure jumped 57 per cent in January compared with a year ago.

California based Realty Trac Incorporated, a mortgage research firm, says 233 thousand homeowners received at least one notice from lenders last month related to overdue payments, compared with 148 thousand a year earlier.

The Cape Coral-Fort Myers area in Florida posted the highest foreclosure rate of any metro area in the U-S, with one of every 86 homes in some stage of foreclosure.

Stockton, California, was ranked second, with one of every 97 homes involved in a foreclosure filing.

January's tally represents an eight-per-cent hike from December.

Falling home values and tighter lending standards have extended the U-S housing slump, making it tougher for homeowners unable sell their homes or refinance when they face mortgage payments they can't afford.

A wave of adjustable rate mortgage resets expected in May and June threatens to push many other homeowners into default.