New details have emerged about a mysterious wallet stuffed with cash and a stranger who's been startling runners on busy trails.

More women have come forward to police and the area where the man lurks is growing.

Not only that, CTV News has learned the strange encounters have been happening to Winnipeg women for more than a year.

It was last summer near Munson Park along Wellington Crescent when a black pouch stacked with $50 and $100 bills caught the attention of Melanie Zurba. She saw it while walking home from work.

"I picked it up and I looked ahead and there was a man pushing a bike and I thought, well it's very likely this money belongs to him,” said Zurba.

She chased him down and returned the money.

“He was grateful and I went home feeling very good about the experience.”

Fast forward a year and Zurba's feelings have changed from positive to puzzled.

Since her encounter, the same thing has happened to other women at least five more times in the past month. A scruffy-looking, grey-haired man and the money-stuffed wallet in each case fit the same description.

"It's interesting how so far it's only women who have come forward,” said Zurba. “Why target the one gender? That part seems a little bit suspect to me."

Winnipeg Police Service Const. Jason Michalyshen said the man has not harmed any of the women who’ve made reports to police. Michalyshen said it appears no crime has been committed but that police still want to speak with the man to get to the bottom of the strange encounters.

"When there's stress in the community and people aren't feeling safe in their community we need to do something about it. People need to feel safe in the community at all times. This is putting people (on) edge to some degree,” said Michalyshen. “That's not good. That's where we step in."

The incidents have happened in the area of Assiniboine Park and Wellington Crescent. The latest report received by police came from a woman who told officers the same thing happened to her on July 27 near Grace Hospital at Portage Avenue and Sturgeon Road.

The man is described as white, in his late thirties to early forties, about five feet seven inches tall (170 cm), slim build, grey/balding short hair, scruffy facial hair. In one case, the man was wearing khaki-coloured shorts and a striped polo shirt.

Another time he was seen on a dark-coloured bike and wearing a baseball cap.

Anyone with information can contact police at 204-986-6222 or 911, if necessary.