Relatives of a man who died after being run over by a fire truck say they don't blame firefighters for the tragic accident.

James Houle, 47, died early Sunday morning.

Police said he had been lying in the middle of the road on Redwood Avenue when he was run over by a fire truck. The firefighters were headed to an emergency.

A vehicle in front of the fire truck pulled over to let it pass and a fire crew spotted something on the street but wasn't able to stop in time.

"When they stopped, they realized it was in fact a person in the roadway that they had struck," said Const. Rob Carver, a spokesperson for Winnipeg police.

Police said it was an unavoidable tragedy.

Houle leaves behind a large family, including five children.

Houle's siblings spoke out on Monday.

"It was a shock to me to hear about my brother. I didn't actually believe it, that it actually had happened," said Joseph Houle.

Houle's family said his death is a big loss, but an accident without blame.

"We just want the fire department to know it wasn't their fault. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time," said Julia Houle, James' sister.

Police hope an autopsy will provide more details on why James was lying in the middle of the road.

Family and friends wonder how long he had been in the road and how many people may have noticed but did nothing.

"We hope and pray more people in the city will watch over one another, no matter what condition or state they are in," said B. Thomas, a family friend.

Relatives are planning a wake for Houle at the Indian Friendship Centre. They said they want firefighters know they're welcome to attend.

- with a report from CTV's Caroline Barghout