Robert Taman, an appointed member of Manitoba’s Police Commission, which deals with the province's Independent Investigation Unit, has resigned from the commission over concerns with hiring practices at the IIU.

Taman tells CTV News he gave his resignation to the Minister of Justice and the Manitoba Police Commission on Thursday.

His wife Crystal was killed in a collision with an off-duty police officer in 2005. The officer, Derek Harvey-Zenk, was charged with impaired driving causing death, but the Crown dropped the charges citing lack of evidence.

In the years following her death, Taman spoke out publicly about the problems surrounding the investigation.

He was appointed to the Manitoba Police Commission in 2011 and helped establish Manitoba’s IIU, mandated to investigate crimes involving police officers.

Taman says he was informed the IIU supported an active member of the Winnipeg Police Service, with the promise of hiring the officer in the future.

The officer was being hired to start work on April 19, while still a police officer, he said.

“I do not believe that police can investigate police,” he told CTV News Sunday. “I don’t think having police investigate police is going to be viewed by the public as proper and just.”

Taman said there should be separation between the officers investigating a case.

He suggested instead, an investigation involving a police officer should be conducted with the help of a retired officer, or one from another province or jurisdiction.

“I wouldn’t say they are not going to do a proper, ethical job. It’s whether the police can separate themselves, and whether they can investigate (the case) properly.”

Taman said his decision to leave the post was based on his personal principles, and a lot of good work was done in his time with the Manitoba Police Commission.

“When it’s the right thing, it’s not a difficult decision to make,” said Taman. “In life you never feel bad if you are trying to do something good.”

“I absolutely think about Crystal everyday … it’s not a difficult thing for me to step away from this, and try to live a normal life,” Taman said.