WINNIPEG -- The province has put out a call for nitrile and vinyl gloves to aid in the fight against COVID-19.

In a press release on Wednesday, the province said it will purchase gloves and other medical supplies from salons, dentist office and therapy clinics.  Any businesses that cannot use personal protective equipment are asked to contact the province immediately.

On April 3, the province announced an investment of more than $100 million to the Manitoba Protection Plan. The move was made to accelerate how the province can get these essential medical supplies and equipment needed to prepare for COVID-19.

Businesses and manufactures in Manitoba who can provide supplies or scale up production lines to  develop personal protective equipment, are asked to visit

Shared Health has also asked businesses to donate any personal protective equipment still in original packaging. They have drop off locations in Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, Winkler and Steinbach. More information about the drop off locations can be found on the Shared Health website.