How cold is too cold, and just how does wind chill affect that answer?

Wind Chill is the value reached when temperature and wind are combined. If the wind is strong, it increases how cold we "feel" it is outside, even though the actual temperature remains the same.

So how cold is too cold? Certain temperatures may pose a health hazard, particularly those temperatures affected by wind chill. Learn more by reading about different temperature points below.

Wind Chill 0 to -9

  • Risk of frostbite is low
  • Health concerns are negligible
  • Dressing warmly is sufficient

Wind Chill -10 to -27

  • Risk of frostbite is low
  • Risk of hypothermia if outside for long periods without adequate protection
  • Dress in layers with an outer layer that is wind resistant, and keep active

Wind Chill -28 to -39

  • Exposed skin can freeze in 10 to 30 minutes
  • Check face and extremities for numbness or whiteness
  • Dress in layers, cover exposed skin, keep active

Wind Chill -40 to -47

  • Exposed skin can freeze in 5 to 10 minutes
  • Check face and extremities for numbness or whiteness (frostbite)
  • Dress in layers, cover exposed skin, keep active

Wind Chill -48 to -54

  • Exposed skin can freeze in 2 to 5 minutes
  • Check face and extremities frequently for numbness or whiteness (frostbite)
  • Dress in layers, cover exposed skin, be ready to cut short or cancel outdoor activities

Wind Chill -55 and colder

  • Exposed skin can freeze in less than 2 minutes
  • Danger, Outdoor conditions are hazardous
  • Stay indoors

In sustained winds over 50 km/h, frostbite can occur faster than indicated.

Always keep an eye on the thermometer before heading outside to have a safe, healthy and enjoyable winter here in Manitoba.