Health Canada announced Friday that a generic oral contraceptive sold by Apotex Inc., called Alysena 28, is being voluntarily recalled from the market over concerns with effectiveness.

Health Canada said complaints have come in regarding chipped pills found in sealed packages.

The chipped pills may contain less of the active drug ingredients, which may reduce Alysena’s effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.

The effective product is labelled Alysena 28 (DIN 02387883), lot LF10133A, expiry date 10/2019.

Health Canada has provided a list of instructions for those who take Alysena 28:

  • Check your pills before and after taking them out of the blister package. Do not consume a pill if it looks unusual (for example, it is chipped, has jagged edges or is broken). Examine both sides of each pill thoroughly before taking it. It may not be immediately obvious from looking at the blister package that there is a problem with the pills, since the underside of the pill cannot be seen while in the blister pack.
  • If you have a package with an unusual-looking pill, return it to your pharmacy for a replacement package.
  • Do not stop taking your birth control pills as this may result in pregnancy. Talk to a health care professional if you have questions or concerns about your birth control product, including about missed doses and alternatives. (Source: Health Canada)

Health Canada said it is working with Apotex Inc. to determine the cause of the issue.