WINNIPEG -- The City of Winnipeg’s manager in charge of property inspections has abruptly retired.

“It certainly is questionable timing," said Coun. Kevin Klein.

In a letter to city councillors Friday morning, property department director John Kiernan says Stan Dueck has announced his retirement and that his last day in office is Friday.

“We thank Stan for his years of service to the city and wish him well in retirement,” wrote Kiernan.

Dueck was the manager of development and inspections within the property department.

 It's unclear why Dueck suddenly quit.

"In terms of HR matters at that level it's not something councillors or I have any say over," said Mayor Brian Bowman.

Dueck’s departure comes after the city recently fired eight people and suspended seven others in the wake of the property inspector scandal.

Frustrated with a slow moving permit process, an anonymous citizens group hired a private investigator who recorded inspectors allegedly slacking on the job.

"If this was related to systemic change that the City of Winnipeg needs we applaud it. If Mr. Dueck's retiring because he's deciding to move on we wish him well," said the group’s lawyer John Prystanski.

Dueck's exit also comes a day after Klein publicly stated he planned on calling the inspections manager to a committee hearing on Monday.

"I sent that email to find out later that that person is no longer with the city," said Klein

Winnipeg's chair of that committee, Coun. Brian Mayes, isn't convinced Klein's demand has anything to do with Dueck's retirement.

“It's been a stressful couple of months and I can understand his decision to retire and I want to emphasis Stan has been very good with me and I think has been a very good public servant," said Mayes.

Coun. Janice Lukes questions if Dueck had the proper supports to do his job.

"Who's overseeing Stan to make sure Stan....has enough tools has enough training to do what he's supposed to do?" said Lukes