WINNIPEG -- With Ontario twinning the highway between Kenora and the Manitoba border, people are wondering if it will ever happen on this side.

On Wednesday the Ontario government signed a deal with First Nations communities, paving the way for the project.

In Manitoba, Highway One is two lanes between Falcon Lake and the Ontario border. It’s something residents in the area want to see changed.

Manny Damata, a Falcon Lake resident, said the road is dangerous and needs to be widened to four lanes.

“There’s not a lot of room, the lanes are only 12-feet wide, so there’s not a lot of room for error,” said Damata.

Another resident, Evelyn Proceviat said the province should twin the highway on the Manitoba side of the provincial border.

Proceviat and her husband had a close call on the stretch of highway last summer as the two were driving in their convertible.

“This car pulled out to pass, we had to take the shoulder, it was pretty scary.” said Proceviat “Split seconds, my heart was pounding.”

In a statement to CTV News, the provincial government said it is investigating the “future possibility of twinning the section west of the West Hawk Lake to Falcon Lake.”

Work on twinning the highway on the Ontario side of the border may start this summer.