RCMP are reminding everyone of some safety tips to make Halloween frightfully fantastic for trick-or-treaters.

1. Do a costume check:
- Can you see? RCMP are recommending the use of makeup over masks, as it does not impair your vision.
- Can people see you? Reflective bits on costumes will ensure that everyone can see you. Police suggest a flashlight to help others see you.
- Dress for the weather.

2. Know your trick-or-treating route:
- Make sure that you go with a crowd of people you know, be it friends or family.
- Go to areas you know and are familiar with.
- Officers are reminding candy-goers to be aware of traffic and be extra cautious when crossing the streets

3. Candy check:
- RCMP advise candy-lovers to refrain from snacking along the route
- Save the snacking once you get home and an adult has checked through the candy

4. Motorists be extra cautious:
- RCMP are reminding motorists of the influx of people that will be out on the streets
- Motorists are to stop completely at stop signs and pedestrian crossings
- Expect the unexpected and be prepared for it
- Plan safe and sober rides home if you are celebrating Halloween

5. Have a safe and exciting Halloween!

If trick-or-treaters are not willing to brave the cold, St. Vital Centre is inviting kids 10 and under to stay dry and warm for their mall-treating.

Over 30 stores are participating from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Saturday.

There are free treat bags for kids while supplies last.

For a full list off participating retailers, head to the St. Vital Centre’s website.