Remembrance Day 2020
Remembrance Day 2020 Stories
- Second World War veteran details his experiences fighting on the front lines
- 'We can and will remember': Manitobans' message to veterans remains despite the challenges of a pandemic
- Manitoba Naval Reserve marks Remembrance Day with virtual service
- Manitobans recognize Remembrance Day amid a pandemic
- 'It is really important': Manitobans to honour veterans differently on Remembrance Day
- The virtual Remembrance Day ceremonies happening in Manitoba this year
- A young WWII soldier's last letter given to his Manitoba family
- What's open and closed in Winnipeg on Remembrance Day
- Manitoba woman selling poppy-patterned masks to give back to veterans
- How Legion-designed masks could help you support Canada’s veterans
- 'It’s devastated us': COVID-19 could be the last straw for some legions in Winnipeg
- 'It means so much:' Families thankful for painted poppy rocks on Remembrance Day
- Remembrance Day art campaign tributes veterans with poppy paintings
- Manitoba Canadian Legion branches struggling after pandemic
- Royal Canadian Legion introduces a new way to commemorate Remembrance Day at the National War Memorial