A daycare owner is facing charges after an incident that stems from mid-October.

Chris Phippard and his wife dropped their daughter off at an un-licensed home daycare on Oct 13.

Hours later they picked her up and rushed her to hospital.

The 13-month-old had suffered serious burns to her hands.

At the time, doctors treated it as chemical burns.

The Phippards said police have now concluded their investigation.

“They suspect that her hands were put into hot water and held there for an undetermined amount of time and that most likely is what caused the skin blistering and falling off,” Phippard said.

READ MORE: Daycare shut down after toddler seriously injured

Baby Chantal had her last doctor’s appointment last week, and she no longer needs skin grating or home health care.

However, her hands are scarred and doctors don’t know how long they’ll stay that way.

“She seems to have full range of motion in her fingers and her hands and she has no problem picking up toys,” Phippard added.

The Phippard said Chantal is recovering well, and in much brighter spirits than she was at this time last month.

“When the injuries first occurred, it’s real hard to gauge with children how quickly they’re going to heal, but she’s progressed much better than they initially thought,” Phippard said.

“Things are so much better now, that it really makes us realize how tough and difficult it was.”

Both parents are now back at work, and said they’re extremely grateful for the help they received.

A family friend is now taking care of baby Chantal, while the Phippards wait for a spot to open at a licensed daycare.

Police said a woman is facing a charge of criminal negligence causing bodily harm. She has been released on a promise to appear.

Chantal Phippard

Chantal Phippard