Despite being the furthest inland of all Canadian naval facilities, Winnipeg’s HMCS Chippawa recruited 7,500 sailors to fight in the Second World War.

The proud history continues today, with 150 reservists serving at the division.

While they might be a long way from the ocean now, the men and women who serve at the Winnipeg facility can still be deployed around the world.

"I do like the fact that I can go to any place that the Canadian Forces are in,” said Ordinary Seaman Alexander Dacosta. “It just gives a great field of travel and experiences."

Most reservists spend a few hours a week at the division, but some, like Able Seaman Amanda Proctor, work full-time at HMCS Chippawa.

Serving in the reserves allows her to carry on a family tradition of being active in the military.

"It's a little different being in the middle of the continent for sure, but we do a lot of small boat operations on the Assiniboine and the Red River,” said Proctor. “We do a lot of training and we send a lot of our members out to the coast."

Acting Sub-Lieutenant Mosin Khan learns navigation, strategies and tactics with much of the training happening on simulators.

He also occasionally goes to CFB Esquimalt in Victoria to practice on frigates and destroyers.

Khan's family immigrated to Canada from Pakistan when he was seven.

"Coming to Canada, and having a great education here and all the opportunities available to me here, I always felt this kind of obligation to give back to Canadian society,” said Khan.

At the moment, two sailors from HMCS Chippawa are on an around the world journey aboard HMCS Winnipeg.

The ship left Victoria on June 15 and sailed through the Panama Canal on its way to the Mediterranean.

It will return to Canada across the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Dacosta, who is now in his second year in the reserves, admits not being aboard that ship makes him jealous.

"It does, but at the same time I don't have the training or qualifications to be on such ships,” he said. “Hopefully in the future I can. But yes, it does make me a little jealous."