A one-year-old puppy is being hailed a hero after a fire broke out early Friday morning in the backyard of a St. Vital home.

A miniature goldendoodle named Luna woke up her owners Kevin and Paige Kozak just before 2 a.m. with some urgent barks.

Paige said her dog almost never barks so she assumed Luna wanted to go outside.

As she opened a backdoor to let out the dog, a cloud of smoke entered the house and that’s when Paige noticed the neighbour’s house and deck on fire.

She yelled to her husband who was still sleeping, “there’s a house on fire.” Paige said Kevin initially thought that meant their house was on fire.

Paige then called 911 while her husband went outside and hopped a two meter fence, before using a bucket to throw water on the flames at their neighbour’s home.

Emergency crews arrived shortly after and Kevin helped firefighters find the right house.

The couple later learned two people, a husband and wife, and another dog and cat, were sleeping inside the home that caught on fire.

Firefighters helped the family get out safely.

No one was hurt.

There was damage to the deck and the siding on the home.

The people sleeping inside the house on fire did not want to appear on camera, but told CTV News they’re thankful Luna alerted their neighbours.

They said they’re not sure what caused the fire, but that the ordeal left them frightened. They said it could’ve been a lot worse if not for Luna.

The family plan on thanking the Kozaks by purchasing a gift for Luna, the dog who came to their rescue.